Welcome to the new RustMag.
Some of you may remember RustMag from the early part of the 21st century. It was a snappy free tabzine that covered the endeavors of man’s ingenuity and we feel the time is right to bring RustMag into the digital world.
RustMag is a free digital magazine that you can source on all the familiar digital platforms. The online format allows us to showcase photography with a depth and richness that we could never achieve with the medium of newsprint. As we progress we can bring you video and musical content as well. It is an exciting new world.
“Our field of interest is men and women of grit and creativity. ”
With the advent of good on-demand, small-batch printing we can also keep a foot in the old school world of the printed word. So keep an eye out for print versions as we get farther down the line.
RustMag will passionately cover what we love with world-class photography and writing. Our field of interest is men and women of creativity and grit. We will bring you stories of gearhead culture, history, literature, art, books, gear, the romance of movement, and the creations of both the trained and practical engineer.
Over the years we have found that few people are so focused that they can’t see the intersection of many creative things. That intersection is where the magic is. That intersection is where you will find RustMag.
–M. B.