This doesn’t look like a magazine how does it work?

In each of the sections you will find separate stories. You can click on the stories and scroll down to read them or look at the photos. When you find groups of photos together you can click on each of the photos to enlarge them for better viewing. At the bottom of each story you will find an arrow. If you click on this arrow it will pull up the next story in the section.

How often will issues of the magazine come out?

Because this is an online digital magazine there will not be issues in the traditional sense. We will update RUST with new stories every week or two as we finish them. We will not erase the old stories. It will be an ongoing, ever growing collection of articles and photos.

We are also planning on publishing a print version (see Zine page) of the magazine three or four times a year. You will be able to purchase theses issues directly from the online magazine just like you would purchase anything else online.

What is RUST all about? What kind of magazine is this?

RUST is a general interest magazine that is broadly focused on gearhead culture as well as art, craftsmanship, history and interesting people. This means cars, motorcycles, racing, artists, creators, the people who do it and the grey beards who started it all. As we commonly joke, RUST is about what we are generally interested in.

Those of you who were fans of the old print version of RUST will recognize much of what you see here. However we are going to be bringing you things that at first you may think are out of the normal realm of RUST. We have found that most people have a very broad range of interest and knowledge and we are hoping to do you the honor of respecting that your mind can see the beauty in a broad range of subjects. As we have said before, one of the cool things about being online is that we can really highlight photography. So look for a lot more photos. We are also planning on some short films.

Is RUST on social media? 

Yes, you can find us on Instagram and Facebook.


Can I advertise in RUST?

Yes you can. We are starting off by building an audience but we are actively seeking advertisers and we would love to talk with you. Go to the contact page and drop us a line. We will talk demographics and metrics and clicks and page views and all that great stuff. We would love to get your products and services in front of RUST readers.

What is the audience for RUST?

Our audience is everyone from millennials to baby boomers. We suspect that most of the audience will be men, but we are hoping that women will find things in RUST that will pique their interest as well. Being online also means that we can speak to a much broader audience. It makes it easier to go nationwide as well as worldwide. You will notice that there are articles from other countries. We unabashedly are seeking a worldwide audience. I know this sounds cliched, but in these times of strong efforts to divide us into “us and them,” anything that we can do to show our commonality is good. 

I have a story I think you might like. Would you be interested?

We would love to talk with you. Find the contact page and drop us a line. We are always looking for new stories. Like sharks we never rest…ever.

My old RUST MAGAZINE T-shirt is totally worn out. When are you going to have new shirts?

We are going to have new shirts soon. We are working on new designs as well as reviving some of the old Bruce Gossett-designed shirts. Again, you will be able to purchase T-shirts directly from RUST online.

Is Robyn going to be the T-shirt model for the new RUST?

I know some of you out there have had a thing for our model Robyn…for years. You will be pleased to know that she is still around and doing well. We have talked with her about the possibility of doing some more work with RUST but we shall have to let that be a surprise.